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DUI Accident Attorneys

Collection of the most beautiful and moving architectures examples in European cemeteries | Westminster DUI accident attorneys

Operating a vehicle after using illicit drugs or some prescription and over-the-counter drugs can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. Drugged driving puts everyone on the road in danger- drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and anyone else who shares the road with a drugged driver. If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by a drugged driver, our Westminster DUI accident attorneys can help. Call us today.

Different drugs will have different effects on drivers, all depending on how the drug reacts in the brain. For instance, cocaine or methamphetamines may cause drivers to become more aggressive and aggressive behind the wheel. Marijuana typically slows reaction times, decreases coordination, and impairs judgement of distance and time. Certain types of sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, may cause drowsiness and dizziness. All of these effects can lead to car accidents.

In fact, a drugged driver is 3 times more likely to cause a fatal car crash. Research at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health examined government data collected at the scene of fatal accidents involving drivers with alcohol or drugs in their systems. It was determined that almost 32 percent of those motorists and approximately 14 percent of “control” drivers tested positive for at least one drug in the roadside surveys.

Research studies have established some of the negative impacts marijuana has on motorists, including
altered attention to the road, increased lane weaving, and slowed reaction times.

It is more challenging to determine the precise effect specific drugs have on drivers because people typically mix substances, including alcohol. It is known, however, that small amounts of certain drugs can have a significant impact. For this reason, some states have instituted zero-tolerance policies for drugged driving.

A zero-tolerance policy means that even with the slightest amount of any drug in their blood or urine, a motorist can face charges for driving under the influence (DUI). Some states, however, are waiting for more precise parameters that define drug-related impairment, similar to those used with alcohol.

When a person makes the decision to get behind the wheel after taking drugs, illicit or prescription, that person can be held criminally responsible. Even if the drugs consumed are legal prescription drugs or a seemingly harmless over the counter cold remedy, if the substance causes impairment of any kind, it constitutes drugged driving. If that driver causes an accident that results in injuries or a fatality, a personal injury or wrongful death claim allows the victim to be held civilly responsible.


At Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., we are honored to help accident victims in their time of need, and take our responsibility as personal injury lawyers incredibly seriously. We know how important it is for victims to secure the full and fair compensation they need following a serious accident, and that is why we take a hands-on, personalized approach to every case we handle.

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