Seat Belt Defect Attorneys
When you buy a car, you trust that you are getting quality for your money. However, sometimes manufacturers or designers make critical errors that can cause serious injury or even death. There are millions of motor vehicle accidents each year in the United States, and in many of these, the occupants of a vehicle may have suffered needless injuries due to seat belt defects. A seatbelt is essentially the first defense against serious injury in the event of a car accident, so if it is defective or malfunctions, an individual may be exposed to additional risks.
If you or someone you know has been injured because of a seat belt defect, it is important to know your rights as an injured consumer. Contact the experienced Denver seat belt defect attorneys of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., at (303) 423-1770 today to discuss your personal injury case. We are dedicated to helping our clients to pursue financial compensation for their injuries.