Hull and Zimmerman Investigate Car Accident Claims on Behalf of Denver Residents

(Denver, CO) – Traffic accidents in the state of Colorado are often investigated by the Colorado State Patrol, which keeps a record of each crash it investigates, and maintains a large statistical database that allows citizens to better understand the causes of vehicular accidents. The Denver car accident attorneys of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C. have reviewed the most recent accident data available and identified several leading causes of traffic accidents statewide.

Because the causes of traffic accidents do not vary dramatically from year to year, it is reasonable to suppose that statistics from previous years offer good indications of current year trends. The most recent year for which accident statistics are readily available is 2008. During that year, the Colorado State Patrol responded to more than 4,000 accidents that resulted in injury or death. Some of the leading causes of these accidents were:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Intoxicated driving
  • Falling asleep while driving
  • Improper merging
  • Illegal left turns

As these reports show, driver misconduct often plays a role in car accidents. When an official accident report determines that driver error is responsible for an accident, victims and victims’ family members may be able to sue for damages.

About the Firm

Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., is a personal injury law firm based in Denver, Colorado. The attorneys handle cases related to a variety of practice areas including accidents involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles in Denver and the greater Denver area.

Hull & Zimmerman, P.C.
2921 W. 120th Ave, Suite 220
Westminster, Colorado, 80234
(303) 423-1770

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Our personal injury attorneys have decades of experience defending the rights of injured Coloradans, and use their vast legal knowledge to offer you zealous and unmatched representation. We understand how important your lawsuit is to you, and we are dedicated to handling your claim with the compassion you expect. Located in beautiful Northglenn Colorado, we proudly serve the North Denver communities including but not limited to Westminster, Thornton, Commerce City, Arvada & Broomfield.